
Results 201 to 210 out of 265.


European week of science and technology 2007

Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology SAS, Bratislava, Slovakia

Characteristics of healthy lifestyle. Can we avoid the hypertension and other CVD? Can healthy lifestyle help us against the neurodegenerative diseases? The influence of the social stress upon CVD and mental disorders? Information on the ENWHP activities.


Nitric Oxide: Basic Regulations and Pharmacological Interventions

Tučepi, Croatia

The nitric oxide produced by mammalian cells at an appropriate magnitude and timing may serve as a key signaling molecule in physiological processes as diverse as cardiovascular regulation, neuronal communication and host-defense. On the other hand, excessive and unregulated NO synthesis has been implicated as causal or contributing to pathophysiological conditions including many lethal and debilitating diseases of humans. The organizers are convinced that the Symposium will contribute at obtaining new knowledge or insights into the role of the NO in physiological regulatory processes of CVD and CNS disorders.


4th IHPM European Health & Productivity Congress

Dublin, Ireland

Employees can be the best-trained, most highly skilled and motivated, best-equipped workers in the world, but if they are not healthy, they will not be fully productive and their employer will suffer competitively. Although employers have failed to see health as a critical component of their human capital in the past, a growing number of companies in Europe are developing health and productivity management programs.

Results 201 to 210 out of 265.