WHP report 2022 of the statutory health insurance of Germany
Workplace health promotion is a statutory duty of the statutory health insurance companies in Germany. The results are reported annually (In German).
In the 2021 reporting year, the health insurance companies invested a total of 247 Mio euros in workplace health promotion; this corresponds to EUR 3.37 per insured person. This includes EUR 0.76 per insured person for BGF in care. Hospitals and inpatient care facilities benefit from this, as they use a health promotion process to make work processes more health-promoting and want to offer their employees WHP offers.
In 2021, 18,437 companies could be reached directly. Companies/locations with ten to 49 employees were most frequently reached (22%). Companies with 50 to 99 employees and companies with 100 to 249 employees are reached in equal proportions by health insurance funded measures (19% each). Small businesses with up to nine employees are represented much less frequently (up to 5%). Larger companies with 500 to 1,499 employees and companies with more than 1,500 employees were involved in the measures of the health insurance companies more often in 2021 with a total of around 21% than in the previous year (2020: 15%).
In 2021, 1,768,604 employees were reached through health insurance companies’ WHP activities directly; this is 9% less than in 2020. In 2021, 41% of the projects were aimed at specific target groups and 59% of the activities were aimed at all employees equally. The proportion of target group-related activities has increased significantly compared to the previous year (2020: 23%).
Most frequently, target group-specific activities were aimed at middle and upper management levels. The management style at management level can strengthen employees' resources in terms of health promotion, but it can also have a negative impact on their health, for example through inadequate conflict management or a lack of appreciation for the work of employees. Corresponding activities therefore have great health-promoting potential.
Commercial providers/companies (34%), company doctors (34%) and accident insurance providers (29%) were most frequently involved as cooperation partners in the activities of the health insurance companies and contributed resources. Other health, social and educational institutions made up 19% of the cooperation partners. The integration of accident insurance as an important partner of the health insurance companies in the field of WHP is presented in the following in a differentiated manner.