Coronavirus and mental health
The outbreak of COVID-19 may be very stressful for people. In China, the level of stress gathered via questionnaire to 52,730 people showed that 35% and 5.14% suffered from mild and severe stress respectively. On February the Lancet published a rapid review of the evidence of the impact of quarantine. It's imperative to look after the mental health of the population. So, a lot of organizations has made available guidance for managing and mitigating stress, anxiety and stress. There you have some examples:
- World Health Organization guideline and mental health tips
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Managing anxiety and stress
- Mental Health Foundation Looking after your mental health
- Health and safety executive (Ireland) Minding your mental health
- Confederación salud mental (España) Autocuidado, rutinas y ejercicio
- Psycom, ressources pour prendre soin de notres santé mentale