European companies have realised the meaning of active living in the workplace


10th - 15th June 2007
Vancouver, Canada

Health Promotion Comes of Age: Research, Policy & Practice for the 21st Century

Health promotion has evolved in response to the need to take action on the broad determinants of health. In 1986, the Ottawa Charter established the fundamental guiding principles and values of health promotion and described five strategic action areas to address these determinants. Now, twenty-one years later, it is timely to revisit the relevance of these action areas in response to global changes. The next World Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE), to be held in Vancouver, Canada, will provide an excellent opportunity to commemorate and revisit the Ottawa Charter. The Conference will challenge the health promotion community to reaffirm the commitment to bringing the vision of the Charter to fruition.

The overall mission of the conference is to review and critically reassess health promotion?s progress since the Ottawa Charter and to help set the course for navigating through the new challenges facing health promotion in an increasingly globalized world.


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