International Conference on Healthy Air - Better Work 2007

Helsinki, Finland

The quality of the indoor environment (IEQ) plays an increasingly significant role in well-being at workplaces. To make improvements to IEQ, one has to know not only how to identify and manage indoor environment problems, but also how to maintain good indoor air quality, and design and build healthy buildings for the future. Although much research has been carried out on IEQ during recent years, too many questions remain unresolved. The improvement of IEQ requires multi-professional experts, proper tools, acceptable methods and best practices for preventing, examining and managing the problems.

WorkAir 2007 is the first international conference in which the quality of indoor air and the environment of occupational settings is the main focus. It is designed for professionals who operate in workplaces which are either planning indoor environment improvements or struggling with the problems. Its aim is to provide them with practical knowledge and tools for IEQ problems. The Conference also highlights the newest and most advanced information on workplaces IEQ, and addresses special issues such as the reduction of occupational exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.

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