Valued tools for coping with COVID-19
The current Covid-19 crisis has seen the rapid launch of a large number of websites, Apps and other tools to support employers and employees to cope with the new demands of wokring life that have mushroomed since the beginning of the year. Some tools are directed at individuals managing their own health and wellbeing, especially if they are homeworking. Other individually oriented tools offer advice on how to cope with anxiety and loneliness especially with the demands of lockdown and the threats of unemployment.
For employers, advice is emerging form a range of sources on how best to manage remote working as well as on how to manage the public health and health and safety issues that arise from returning to work.
In this blog section, ENWHP will draw attention to some tools that we think have value in meeting the needs of these two audiences. It will not be a comprehensive review of such tools, rather it will point to some tools that we have become aware of through our network that have value. To begin with, we point you to three such tools:
For managing the psychological aspects of Covid-19, the UK based Affinity Health at Work group have produced a set of advisory tools for employers that cover a wide range of health and wellbeing as well as managerial and leadership issues. You can find these here
For managing the health and safety issues facing employers and employees related to the re-opening of economies, many national agencies have produced more or less detailed guidance. One such example comes from Ireland from the Ministry of Business, Enterprise and Innovation and from the Ministry of Health. For more information click here
One useful source of training in relation to self-managing the effects of corona virus comes from Germany which deals with the issues in both English and German. Here
To conclude – if any of our ENWHP members have come across useful tools in these areas, please let us know and we will consider disseminating them throughout the network.