Stop the pandemic: EU-OSHA action plan for healthy workplaces
Stop the pandemic is an initiative of EU-OSHA to address the occupational health and safety challlenges linked to the current pandemic, offering guidance to limit the spread of the virus and for a safe and healthy return to work. It also includes videos and links to good practice from EU and International organizations and tips for working from home.
Guide to COVID-19 evidence sources
COVID-19 Evidence Network (COVID-END) is a large group of international partners working in collaboration to facilitate easy access to the best available evidence on COVID-19. Their activities span the full gamut of COVID-19 issues, including traditional infection prevention and control but also how to manage impacts on mental health and family violence, health- and social-care systems, education, employment, financial protection, food safety and security, government services, housing, public safety and justice, recreation and transportation.
COVID-END’s near-term priorities are to continuously maintain a guide to COVID-19 evidence sources, to help coordinate and avoid duplication in seven domains (such as digitizing key steps in evidence synthesis and guideline development), and to develop scalable models for supporting evidence-informed decision-making about COVID-19.
European Resuscitation Council COVID-19 Guidelines
The European Resuscitation Council has published recentlyT Resuscitation guidelines during COVID-19 pandemic. These guidelines will be subject to evolving knowledge and experience of COVID-19. As countries are at different stages of the pandemic, there may be some international variation in practice.
You can download a full interactive version or section by section.
SafeTutor: an educational training software against COVID-19
A Czech company has released a free of charge prevention guideline in the form of an interactive training software that explains virus spread prevention and contains tips and tests to inform workers and employers on how is and how to prevent COVID19 at work.
New WebApp on emotional health under COVID19
The Catalan Health Service (CatSalut) has recently launched a WebApp to help people to evaluate their emotional state and to determine their needs. It includes self-help and professional resources availble in the community. The App is based on PSTD Coach App from the US Department of Veterans Affairs and is included in CatSalut Emotional Health microsite
H-WORK website recently launched
H-WORK is a HORIZON 2020 project that has the aim to effectively promote mental health, along with policy recommendations for employers, occupational health professionals and policy makers. ENWHP is one of the fourteen partners involved in the H-WORK project coordinated by Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna (Italy). As one of the partners @ENWHP invites you to visit its brand-new website and be attentive to its achievements.
Managing emotions: tips for adults, teens and seniors and advice for children
The health channel from the Catalan Government has launched a microsite on how to manage emotions during the COVID19 pandemic. The original text is in catalan but yu can find also Spanish, French and English versions.
Teleworking: employers resource
The ENWHP Spanish Contact Office (INSST) has published a document and a brochure with recommendations on how to manage psicosocial risks of teleworking during COVID19.
COVID-19: Preventive measures for pregnant and breastfeeding women still at work
The Canadian "Centre d'expertise et de référence en santé publique-INSPQ" has recently published (27/03/2020) in its website a document with preventive measures and recommendations for pregnant and breastfeeding women still at work.. This document will be periodically updated as the other documents for health professionals on COVID19 .
Webinar: COVID-19 - Reuse and Decontamination of N95 Respirators
In this webinar, the speakers will review the NIOSH/CDC guidance followed by a discussion of studies on and systems for the decontamination of N95s. The presentations will be followed by live, moderated Q&A.
The Webinar will be recorded. The recording and slides will be emailed to all registrants following the presentation.